Gazetteer of Northern Greyhorn


Northern Greyhorn is the heart of civilized Greyhorn. The Elven realm of Irminsul, the Dwarven realm of Khinzu, the human cities of Stormsport, Elmstar, and Eastgate all in the northern section of Greyhorn.


The main area of human settlement in Greyhorn runs in a broad north-south belt between Stormsport and Elmstar. Also around the city of Eastgate are extensive settlements of humans.


Stormsport is the city of Greyhorn. It’s largest city and wealthiest. Made rich by trade around the Sea of Storms and access to the River Hadran. Stormsport suffered a brief occupation under the undead Twin Overlords and was liberated by the forces of Evendarr in 600. It is now regaining it’s prosperity and becoming a center of trade for northern Greyhorn.

Fort Hawthorne

Southwest of Stormsport is the Evendarr’s Fort Hawthrone. Built along the route that the Twin Overlord used to invade Stormsport is guards the southern approaches.

The Mead Hills

Along the bank of Nimani Creek are several farming communities that trade north to Stormsport and south to Elmstar. The Mead Hills are at the farming region of Greyhorn. The Mead Hills themselves are the westernmost hills of the Windarr mountains and the area provides a natural protected valley with good access to Nimani Creek which is navigational for part of the year. Along the north side of the valley is the Mead Hills


The area west of Nimani Creek is relatively flat and dotted with several large lakes and fens. It is home to the rugged fenlanders whose traditional independence is guarded jealously. However since the invasion of the undead Twin Overlord in 599 they have cooperated reluctantly with Evendarr in guarding their homes against the undead horde.

Fort Cochran

This marks the southern boundary of the Barony of the North. It was built by Evendarr to guard Carl’s Ford a strategic crossing of Nimani Creek. It was the site of several attack by the Twin Overlord and continues to be well-guarded by Ducal forces.


This city of humans has weathered the storms besetting Greyhorn due to it protected location in the central highlands of Greyhorn. It has seen recent prosperity as it was the central staging area for the initial surge of Evendarr forces into Greyhorn in 599 and 600. However with the liberation of Larsa and the easier route through the Gap of Larsa to Elysia, Eastgate is beginning to revert to it’s traditional backwater role. However the McLean clan and their allies have moved into the Eastgate area and it’s population is still growing.

Other races


The heart of the Quentari Elven presence in Greyhorn is Irminsul. Ruled by the descendents of Greyhorn himself it pursued a isolationist policy only occasionally intervening in the affairs of other races. It is also the center of ranger activity in Greyhorn.


Khinzu and the Great Gorge is the main dwarven forge in Greyhorn.

The High Country

This region is populated by various tribes of orcs, goblins, ogres, and trolls. The hills around Mount Greyhorn are rugged and inhospitable to human settlement.

The Northlands

Once the center of the old hadran Varkl (duchy) of Greyhorn, this region was conquered over five hundred years ago by barbarian migrating westward. The fall of the northlands cut Greyhorn off from the other Hadran successor states and left it to continue on it’s own.

Cora’s Woods

Along the south side of the valley in the Mead Hills is located Cora’s Woods. It is a community of hoblings built around a protected ravine and is protected by the mysterious Cora.