The Kingdom of Evendarr
2. Volin
3. Ravenholt
4. Proslande
5. Niman
6. Ashbury
8. Rethele
30 ignavies
11. Der Khabad
12. Kitherin
13. Blackstone
14. Sutherlands.
15. Tyrangel
16. Therendry
17. Greyhorn
18. Myanthea
24. Kincern
20. Oakhurst
23 Dragonreach
22. Plains of Hadran
23. Levinerte
24. Dreadmark
25. Pragmaire 26. Auria
27. Greyhelm
29. Solus
30. Mydian
31 Fengnie
32. Notions of the Light Alliance
33. Country of Pendulum
34. Nations of the Dark Alliance
35. Crossroads Keep
36. Reincrest
37. Fatured Islands
38. Remlick
34. King’s Oluffs
40. Nightmar
41. Ter Ves
The Mid Landy
42. Empire of Cescara
45. Corndar
44. Galeris 45. Alara
46. The Empire of Hadean
47. Terrania
Avalonian Ocean
The Sunward Kingdoms
69. Aldiceium
70. Tear Lon
71. Hightower
72. Quadium
73. The Southlands of Yahnn
74. Andensammay
75. Valindell
The Cerritories of Avalon
The Lands of East Avalon
76. Land of Naringa
77. Dalantia
78. The Kingdom of Myrr
74. The King of Quentari
80. The Kingdom of Avendale
#1. The Kingdom of Kaurath
82. The Kingdom of Sandrafnal
#3 The Suncest
04. Rockshire
86. Syring
97. Stonegat